Like any other means of transport, it is advisable to cycle close to the traffic flow on the right side where applicable. At night, wear reflective clothing so as to appear more visible as you ride and attach front and rear lights to your bike.
Running red lights is both illegal and risky for yourself and other road users around you. You should stay within your lane as much as possible but watch out for car doors opening or pedestrians crossing.
Wear Appropriate Gear
Having the correct gear is important in bike commuting. This includes putting on a helmet which protects your head during accidents.
A light is another crucial safety device for cyclists. It helps other people using the road see you especially when riding at night in dimly lit areas. There are even those designed specifically to indicate intentions to drivers just like vehicle indicators do with motorists!
When cycling at night, it is necessary to wear clothes and accessories with reflective materials that shine when they come into contact with light. Before starting off, plan and go through the route while considering its topography as well traffic volumes. Moreover, all traffic rules and signals must be adhered by riders. Avoiding vehicles on right side having blind spots can save riders from being caught unaware of their presence.
Do a Run-through of Your Route
Unlike other types of commuting by bicycle requires thorough preparation procedures before setting off. Practicing how to cycle along your commuting path during days when there are less cars will help you become familiar with its nature faster.
Walking through it beforehand will make you aware of potential barriers or dangers that may lie along your way thus enabling early preparedness towards overcoming them without getting hurt accidentally. Letting others know which direction you intend taking by using hand signals would also be ideal since this would not only indicate but also enhance visibility among drivers who might fail seeing well due either glare from headlights while looking directly towards one’s position or sunrays penetrating deep into their eyesight especially during dawn or dusk.
Familiarize Yourself with Road Signs
Safety comes first when it comes to cycling for transport. Ride in a manner that can be predicted by other road users; give early and repeated warning signals whenever turning, changing lanes or stopping and be ready for errant drivers who might pass too close or turn suddenly across your path. In addition, ensure you keep some distance between yourself as cyclist from curbs (or wheel tracks) so that cars do not try to “squeeze” you out by turning onto streets tightly beside them.
Make sure there is at least three feet gap between parked cars (even if using bike lane) because motorists may open doors without noticing you were passing behind or just forget about presence of bicycles within blind spots. Also, remember saying thank-you while waving at motorists after sharing roads with them.
Prepare for Bad Weather
Cycling under harsh weather conditions can sometimes prove challenging during commuting hours. Carry raincoats and fenders when riding through areas experiencing rainfall or snowfall to stay dry and comfortable.
Cyclists can be seriously threatened by drivers who switch lanes or leave parking spaces without giving any indication while motorists may not see bicycles due to frequent changes in the road. For this reason, it is important for cyclists to put on bright-colored clothes which reflect light and use lights during hours of darkness.
Predictability is key when driving so that other drivers can anticipate your moves and respond accordingly. Don’t move erratically between lanes because this might confuse drivers who could then turn across your path or into you. Never ride close beside parked cars because someone inside may suddenly open a door.
Consider Others Sharing the Road
Whether riding in traffic or along residential streets, always be mindful of others and watch out for hazards such as potholes or grates. Keep everyone safe by avoiding phone calls or texting while cycling and being aware of road conditions like potholes or storm drains.
Do not cycle against traffic flow, across medians, through lines of stationary vehicles or between slow-moving cars – these actions may enrage both motorists and fellow cyclists alike besides being highly dangerous.
When riding be wary that parked vehicles can have doors flung open straight into your path at any moment. Be cautious with blind spots created by larger autos; one minute there’s nothing behind you except a taxi cab door opening up wide next thing you know there’s a van mirror reflecting back at you from what seemed like thin air! Make hand signals clear before moving among cars on busy roads where traffic mixes with bicycle ridership so other users know what you plan to do.